Haunted History video series for TikTok

Produced an ongoing series of paranormal-themed history videos to increase audience and engagement on TikTok. Performed initial research using ChapGPT. Wrote script to fit a length of < 2minutes, edited in CapCut using curated materials, created narration using AI voiceover tools which I then edited from several takes to produce the desired mood and effect. […]
Mock TV Ad for Prestige Automaker

Sometimes you just gotta create the type of projects you want to be hired for. I’ve always loved this type of visual storytelling — where the simplest, most relatable visuals are brought together with the perfect musical score to evoke an emotional response. This spot, created for fictional automaker Saturnia, does just that. And totally […]
Series of Interview Videos

We turned 2 hours of unscripted Q&A footage into a series of tight, punchy 1-3 minute clips as part of a huge content marketing campaign.
Corporate Presentation Intro Video

We created this video on short notice, curating the perfect stock video clips and royalty-free music and SFX, then editing and compositing everything together with provided logos and messaging to achieve the right look and feel. The result is this ultra sleek clip filled with high-end energy and local flavor.
Audiogram Production

SPOC Automation is an industrial solutions company that creates systems used by large industrial and maritime operations. One of our vertical partners, FitzMartin, asked us to turn a series of audio clips into attractive audiogram videos for distribution on SPOC’s website and social media. Using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects, we produced twenty-nine stylish pieces […]